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眾眾網(wǎng)全國(guó)頁(yè) 【注意注意】10個(gè)千萬(wàn)別直譯的英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)


來(lái)源:網(wǎng)友投稿 時(shí)間:2020-01-30


WARNING: The following article contains vulgar language and due to its content should not be viewed by anyone.



Do you find yourself getting bored and tired of traditional English learning methods?


Do you prefer to have fun while learning English?


Well then you’re in luck, because we here have got another fun English article for you today.


Here are some common phrases used in English that could be quite dangerous if you translated them directly. Enjoy!


1.“I’ve got my eye on you.”


“Get it off!”


To have your eye on someone means that you’re watching them closely because you’re suspicious of them.

To have your eye on someone表示你正在密切的關(guān)注著某些人,因?yàn)槟銘岩伤麄儭?/p>

2. “You’ve got your father’s eyes”


“He’s got my eyes?? Give them back!”


People commonly say you have your father’s/mother’s eyes when you have the same color eyes as them.

通常人們說(shuō)you have your father’s/mother’s eyes表示你有一雙跟父親或母親一樣顏色的眼睛。

3. “LMAO (Laugh my ass off). Pick it up! It’s slipping. OH GOD IT’S OFF. GRAB IT.”


LMAO is used in informal chats to emphasize how funny something is. You don’t just laugh out loud (lol), you laugh your ass off.


4. “Lets get shit-faced.”


“Why would you want to put poop on your face?”


“Alright, then let’s get hammered.”


“DUDE, I don’t like pain!”


To get shit-faced and to get hammered mean to get really drunk..

To get shit-faced和to get hammered都表示喝個(gè)酩酊大醉。

5. “I was shitting bricks.”


“You’re exaggerating dude. You couldn’t have been THAT dehydrated.”


A brick is small rectangular block made for building.

A brick是一個(gè)長(zhǎng)方形的用于蓋樓的磚。

If someone is shitting bricks it means they’re extremely scared.

如果某人is shitting bricks那表示他們受到了極度的驚嚇。

6. “Cry me a river.”


“How deep?”


If someone tells you to cry me a river, they think you’re exaggerating your problems and have no sympathy for you.

如果某人跟你說(shuō)cry me a river,他們只是覺(jué)得你在夸大自己的麻煩,并沒(méi)有任何同情心。

As a bonus you can say, “Cry me a river, then build a bridge and get over it.” To get over something is a common way to say it no longer affects you or you no longer care about it.

作為反擊你可以這樣說(shuō):“Cry me a river, then build a bridge and get over it.”(淚流成河,那么就建一座橋,然后從上面走過(guò)去。)To get over something是一個(gè)常用詞組,表示你不再在乎或它無(wú)法影響你。

7. “Fuck this shit.”


“Okay. You got a condom?”


When someone says fuck this shit, it means they are sick and tired of it, they’re over it, they no longer care.

當(dāng)有人說(shuō)fuck this shit它表示人們已經(jīng)厭倦了,煩了,寧愿算了,不在乎了。

8. “Messi was ON FIRE at last night’s game.”


“Is he alive??”


If someone is on fire it means they keep doing something extremely well again and again.

如果某人on fire那表示他不斷地做出令人贊嘆的行為,干的太棒了。

9. “Knock yourself out.”


“Okay, CLUNK.”


Clunk is the sound something heavy makes when it hits the floor.


To knock yourself out means that you’re giving someone permission to go try something by themselves.

To knock yourself out表示讓某人放松、就像在自己家一樣自便。

10. “He threw the baby out with the bathwater.”


“That asshole! I’ll kill him!!”


To throw the baby out with the bathwater is when something good is eliminated when trying to get rid of something bad. In other words, don’t get rid of everything and start over, you can still preserve the good parts.

To throw the baby out with the bathwater表示為了擺脫某些壞事的同時(shí)把好事也弄走了。換句話說(shuō),不要試圖擺脫所有事,重新開(kāi)始,你至少還可以留住好的部分。

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