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網(wǎng)友交流:IBT口語TASK 2真題&答案詳解分享(2)

來源:網(wǎng)友投稿 時(shí)間:2020-03-06

網(wǎng)友交流:IBT口語TASK 2真題&答案詳解分享(2)

  E.g. 體育課 P. E. lessons are important
  (1)增強(qiáng)體質(zhì):help students get a healthy body
  (2)更好的學(xué)習(xí):help study better
  (3)學(xué)習(xí)新技能:learn how to swim, how to skate, etc
  E.g. no need for P. E. lessons
  (1)學(xué)生的主要目的是學(xué)習(xí)而不是體育課:the priority for a student is to exercise their brain not their body
  (2)體育課占據(jù)太多時(shí)間:sometimes students do not even have enough time to finish their homework
  (3)學(xué)生可以自由選擇喜愛的運(yùn)動(dòng),沒有必要開體育課: sports that student like may vary, so it is difficult to cover every sport in a PE lesson
  Sample answer:
  I think it is necessary for students to have PE class in school. I have my reasons, here goes.
  A student comes to school not only to exercise his/her brain but also his/her body. You see, people always say all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. I totally agree with such a saying. Take me as an example, if I study all the time and do not have any physical exercise at all, my performance will drop and I will soon have a headache.
  What’s more, I think we can learn some skills like swimming, skating, basketball, football and many other things. Previously I could not swim and was afraid of water. But ever since I learned how to swim in my PE class, I can swim happily like a fish. My arms and legs are much stronger than before and I seldom catch a cold
  E.g. Music lessons are important
  (1)提高興趣:music can be very interesting
  (2)提高品位:help one get better taste
  (3)幫助休息:help get relaxed
  E.g. Music lessons are not important
  (1) 學(xué)生的主要目的是學(xué)習(xí)而不是音樂課:the priority for a student is to exercise their brain not their ears
  (2)學(xué)生可以在課余時(shí)間自主選擇想聽的音樂,沒有必要開音樂課:students may choose whatever they like to listen E.g. rap, pop, jazz, classic, etc
  (3)學(xué)生太忙沒有時(shí)間上音樂課:students are too busy with their academic work, they have no time for music lessons
  Sample answer:
  I strongly believe music lessons are important for a student for the following reasons.
  You see, students come to schools not only to exercise their brains but also to develop their hobbies and interest. A lot of famous scientists know how to play music very well. For example, Einstein is a very good violinist; Madame Curie is not only good at science but also loves music.
  Besides learning music can help us relax in a better way. According to the New Scientist, researchers have found out that one can feel calm and relaxed when listening to Mozart. Some doctors use music to treat patients with mental diseases and they call it music-therapy. For example if I am tired I’d like to put on earphones to listen to my favorite piece Lambado which makes feel so good inside.
  Do you agree or disagree: Students should wear uniform in school?
  E.g. not wearing uniform
  (1)校服太難看:does not look good, makes one look like a prat
  (2)校服太貴:too expensive
  (3)校服不會(huì)長(zhǎng)大:a child will grow bigger but a uniform does not
  E.g. Wearing uniform
  (1 )有自豪感:feel proud of the school
  (2)幫助培養(yǎng)團(tuán)隊(duì)精神: help build team spirit
  (3)容易使人想起學(xué)校的歷史: remind the history of the school
  Sample answer:
  Honestly I don’t think it is a good idea for students to wear uniforms at school.
  First of all most of the uniforms do not look good, some even ugly. For example the color is always black, blue, or grey which is so dull and makes one look like an old person. The worst thing is that it is all in one style just like in an army.
  Also school uniforms will soon be too small to fit it. You see, students grow fast but school uniforms do not. Even it fits you well perfectly when you first put it on, in a few months you will find it too small or too short.
  What’s more, you will find it difficult for you to run or walk fast in a school uniform. It is so uncomfortable.
  你選擇online courses還是traditional courses
  Choose subject which will lead to better job or subject in which you are interested?
  E.g. Subject that will lead to better job
  (1)不學(xué)習(xí)能找到好工作的課程是浪費(fèi)時(shí)間: to study subjects that won’t help get better jobs is a waste of time and money
  (2)學(xué)習(xí)能找到好工作的課程學(xué)起來有動(dòng)力: to study subjects that help get better jobs can be interesting, one has to find interest in them
  (3)學(xué)習(xí)能找到好工作的課程可以使人更貼近現(xiàn)實(shí):to study subjects that help get better jobs means one is practical
  E.g. Subject that I am interested
  (1)有興趣才能學(xué)得好:interest is the best teacher
  (2)興趣可以和工作相結(jié)合:no contradiction between the two
  (3)興趣可以增加學(xué)好其他學(xué)科的動(dòng)力:help one do well in other subject once confidence is boosted
  Sample answer:
  In my opinion, we’d better pick up the subject that can help us find a better job.
  Well, we receive education in order to find a good job and to live a good life. For example, if too many people are learning Latin, which is a dead language, I doubt many of them will find suitable jobs after graduation. After all the job openings for Latin majors are limited.
  Besides, if we spend too much time learning the subjects that will not lead to good jobs, it will add burden to our society. I have a cousin, Alex, who did arts in college but now he cannot find a good job and had to stay at home with his parents although he is over 30 years old. It is a shame!

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