全國(guó)站 [切換城市]
眾眾網(wǎng)全國(guó)頁(yè) 德語(yǔ)翻譯需要知道的技巧


來(lái)源:網(wǎng)友投稿 時(shí)間:2020-03-21


  German translation is an indispensable translation service. To ensure the accuracy and smoothness of translation is the key to German translation. What are the skills you need to know about German translation?
  Generally speaking, the translation of a long speech by a German speaker must know how to omit translation. However, it is necessary to carry out ellipsis translation on the basis of not changing the original meaning. In other words, a proper general translation can delete some unnecessary words on the basis of conveying their meanings.
  In fact, for German interpretation or English interpretation, translation must be properly polished. That is to say, we should add some words to ensure the smooth translation. This requires translators to have some experience and not to increase or distort speakers' speeches.

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